
2024.09.12 (v2.0.6-beta)

  • (fix) Update default TurboMix LoRA due to change in default sampler (k_euler_a)
  • (fix) Padding issues with footer
  • (feat) Add build ID to footer
  • (feat) Update "Made with" message in footer to use random rotating emoji
  • (fix) disable automated settings adjustment when choosing various models
  • (chore) integrate React Testing Library to begin writing some more robut tests for various interactive components
  • (refactor) whole bunch of refactoring to split some business logic from prentation logic in model select components, preset components
  • (feat) add ability to set models or presets via a query parameter (e.g., "/create?model=Dreamshaper" or "/create?preset=flux")
  • (chore) implement image counter service from ArtBot_v1 (no tracking of user info -- just like ArtBot_v1, when it image is finished, it calls an API simply says "hey, add +1 to your completed images counter")

2024.08.29 (v2.0.5)

  • (refactor) pendingJobsController cleanup and improvements 40f739a
  • (refactor) pendingImageStore cleanup and improvements e4c8a03
  • (fix) rendering issue with pending image thumbnail 226c99c
  • (fix) issue with hitting AI Horde API limit when using dryrun. 04dda46
  • (chore) add more robust tests for generating params for AI Horde API request. b3ec5d4
  • (feat) add ability to import and export favorite LoRAs and embeddings. 235d037
  • (chore) update manifest and add web app icons of various sizes. 3b536db
  • (feat) add pagination to LoRA Search modal for favorites and recently used. a10bcbb
  • (feat) add changelog page with pagination. caaf6f7
  • (fix) add use client to linker. 9a7c620
  • (chore) fix issue with image thumbnail. ac72fd6
  • (chore) cleanup civitai hook. b707758
  • (fix) stretched out image issue on lora page. 6006d47
  • (chore) filter favorites and recents. f1e32a2
  • (fix) incorrect LoRA version shown in image details panel ccbd9d6
  • (fix) "Image validation failed" error did not show what actually failed to validate. 3826b35
  • (enhancement) Add support for managing and using shared API keys. e5f7bb8
  • (enhancement) Reimplement and improve typewriter + image effect from ArtBot v2. e5f7bb8
  • (fix) Issue with incorrent or partial image counts being downloaded from a completed pending image request. bc2fdb9
  • (fix) Issue with "2 per 1 second" rate limit when requesting new images 2c2d6ee
  • (feat) support AI Horde's "allow_downgrade" which will attempt to downgrade an image request if parameters end up requiring too many kudos to complete (useful for anonymous users)
  • (feat) re-enable support for multi-select images in the image gallery, allowing you to delete multiple images at once.
  • (fix) image gallery would sometimes randomly appear to duplicate images due to incorrect use of job id's as a unique key (one job can have multiple images associated with it).
  • (fix) No longer cancels pending job if AI Horde replies with "is_possible: false" -- it will keep trying (in hopes that a machine comes online to support the request)
  • (feat) when downloading multiple images from the new select tool in the image gallery, ArtBot creates a helpful html file that allows you to view the locally saved images offline in a web browser.
  • (fix) jobs with "is_possible" equal to false are in a stuck state and don't seem to request updates from server.
  • (feat) add new accordion option to section component and re-arrange image upload options on advanced settings page
  • (fix) issue ensuring we cast certain parameters to valid type expected by Horde API (e.g., sending 2 instead of "2")
  • (fix) more work handling stuck jobs when "is_possible" is false. It really works, this time!
  • (feat) add ability to cancel job in progress without losing existing downloaded images (useful for jobs where GPU worker goes offline).
  • (feat) likewise, if a job returns a 404 error after taking too long to complete, you will no longer lose existing images related to the job if they had already been downloaded.
  • (chore) update default sampler
  • (feat) update some common settings if selecting different model from default AlbedoXL (update steps, cfg, LoRA) to reduce confusion
  • (feat) update CLIP if selecting a PonyXL model and CLIP skip is less than 2.

2024.07.17 (v2.0.4)

  • (feat) enabled worker allow / block lists. 2d0f6e2
  • (fix) attempt to handle stuck jobs by better synchronizing pending image state f2a15b8
  • (feat) setup service worker to enable offline access. 1f06d0d
  • (fix) issue parsing an empty base path env variable. 7aefd97
  • (chore) update packages. b8128cf
  • (refactor) refactor fetch image hook to fix issues with gallery page. 065fe1f
  • (fix) clicking on ungrouped image in Gallery showed incorrect image. 5d294fd
  • (fix) back button issue on gallery. 28f3dc5
  • (chore) increase civitai api timeout. 2cff98d
  • (chore) add favorite status to GalleryStore. 340a8d8
  • (chore) update config to accept base path env variable. 7fec092
  • (chore) re-use photo gallery component. 763b665
  • (feat) re-implement horde performance modal. 4affff6
  • (fix) layout issue with gallery. aa7bd2f
  • (fix) issue with incomplete downloads and pending panel improvements. e4e2fce
  • (feat) allow other IndexedDb name. f4dd41d
  • (refactor) create ArtBotHordeJob class to better handle default values. 471f2bf
  • (chore) add API response view to pending images panel. 344a697
  • (feat) offload civitai API calls to worker thread. e69c155
  • (feat) support for downloading images. 7fa8704
  • (chore) initial work on metadata. ee5546f
  • (chore) update packages. 0780f20
  • (feat) show warning if connection issues detected. 4fd5cec
  • (feat) implement basic exif metadata updates. ab5a2a9

2024.07.09 (v2.0.3)

  • (fix) issue with search loras. a0da491
  • (fix) double request when using ctrl enter. 14957e3
  • (chore) restore model dropdown and add model info button. b2212ed
  • (chore) add use lora button to top of modal. f0e7ee0
  • (fix) hydration issue with menuButton. 3c0a7c0
  • (fix) 2 per 1 second api limit. 9a62c04
  • (fix) issue with gallery library. 1b13348
  • (fix) updating embedding would clone loras array. 97227ce
  • (chore) hide base64 string on image details. 1f7f74b
  • (feat) show source image on image info view. 2643d57
  • (fix) issue with gallery library. 1297232
  • (feat) show source image on image info view. 6593c8d
  • (chore) create AppConstants class for frequently used values. 0ab13b0
  • (chore) update clone image function. 77e6e8a
  • (chore) include source image when re-rolling or re-using image. c6c6a03
  • (chore) new negative prompt suggestion. c391ade
  • (fix) issue with re-using img2img. eda4e42
  • (chore) update packages. 5c50888
  • (chore) additional prompt validation settings. 34452be
  • (refactor) store blobs using ArrayBuffer in IndexedDb. d88949c
  • (fix) unable to enter input in lora and ti cards. 1a9efef
  • (feat) show LoRA sizes. 0698385
  • (fix) issue with clicking on invisible action prompt. f98a265
  • (chore) update default prompt input settings to use SDXL Turbo. b8a0132
  • (chore) consistent image sizes for CivitAI models. b1331fc
  • (refactor) split up civitai api call from hook. 321c542
  • (fix) defensive programming to handle non-existent civitai model data. 765d685
  • (feat) support paginating through CivitAI LoRAs. 0eebf35
  • (fix) LORA Clip used LORA strength value in image details panel. 0792f33

2024.07.05 (v2.0.2)

  • (feat) add support favorite and recent embeddings. 3d7aba1
  • (chore) add suspense boundary. 744bc5b
  • (chore) initial work on new embeddings module. 32226c1
  • (fix) hydration warning due to button within a button. be565c1
  • (feat) enable tis on prompt input form. ac93bb7
  • (fix) update params for image request. 253a753
  • (feat) add support for transparent images. b1cd1e1
  • (chore) change hook return statement from array to object. 418df24
  • (chore) hook should handle groupImages and currentPage. 7838193
  • (feat) add url params to handle navigation. 97bd479
  • (chore) update fetch images hook. d5eb739
  • (fix) add request caching for pending image requests. 9f3d795
  • (chore) comment out some disabled components. 3a5b2e8
  • (feat) copy image to clipboard. 957c544
  • (chore) stash work on model details. 9f12638
  • (chore) properly focus input elements. 4317031
  • (chore) logic to add favorite models to Dexie. 5858ce4
  • (feat) handle favorite model and associated filter logic. b4ad8ba
  • (fix) don't call kudos endpoint if only changing prompt. a56becc
  • (feat) fetch and store available model data on page load. 3dc580e
  • (chore) initial work scaffolding out new models page. b7f578a
  • (fix) issue with view height. f2a9830
  • (fix) padding of section. 0dcb2bb
  • (fix) style issues with section anchor. a3daefc
  • (chore) scaffold out more improvements to model details page. 2feed33
  • (chore) split fetch model api call out to discrete fn. ce136a7
  • (chore) additional work to build out model page. c73bd03
  • (feat) use model from models page. a9676ec
  • (feat) filter models. b95edab
  • (chore) helpful search filter modifiers. 5efba4c
  • (feat) link to find images using specific model. 490906d
  • (chore) transact all the things. 989a2da
  • (chore) add way to filter "all" from pending stats panel. 697bbbc
  • (chore) SelectDropDown improvements. a8d4a12
  • (feat) share params. 6ce5a89
  • (fix) update timestamps when retrying an image request. 115ca43
  • (chore) update dropdown menu for pending image panel. b68bca6
  • (feat) create image request hook and sticky prompt action panel. 4a5b1d3
  • (feat) update kudos estimate using dry_run on changes. 60aa709
  • (chore) use intersection observer for remote images. c080c22
  • (chore) update css and add support for saving entire LoRA payload. 22e80df
  • (chore) fix scroll container for pending images panel. 67b76ab
  • (chore) additional image view style fixes. 3dbc6ee
  • (chore) clickable pending image filter stats. 38312ea
  • (feat) initial work on new Dropdown component. 9080f53
  • (chore) split out logic in new useImageBlobUrl hook. c8859ad
  • (feat) fullscreen component. 361c983
  • (fix) full screen component. b1ddf1b
  • (chore) allow button to render as different elements. 347a9a7
  • (feat) delete pending jobs in progress. 487bed6
  • (fix) type issue. 6d53fde
  • (chore) initial work on splitting up artbot_id to group multiple jobs. 2180eb9
  • (fix) typo in tags modal. dbec1f2
  • (fix) clip_skip in style presets not applied correctly. 61ece47
  • (fix) filter styles response, categories element has values that refer… 1837ce7
  • (feat) enable QR Code workflow. 414f8b0
  • (chore) update image gallery toolbar. a5b748a
  • (feat) show gen metadata in image info panel. 14f6fbf
  • (fix) pull correct URLs for style previews. 8942ac3
  • (feat) store and display api response in image file interface. 8e23fa8
  • (fix) issue calculating pct complete on pending image modal. d6f7fbc
  • (fix) web app crashes when clicking a link for a manually input lora. 5cc5031
  • (fix) disable carousel pan if only 1 image. 666a266
  • (fix) issue with incorrect initial wait time. 565e416
  • (chore) update PendingImageOverlay with background and fix calculation. 67f6652
  • (feat) add job stats to pending image panel. a3a72c6
  • (chore) add info for error messages on pending image overlay. b7f4d87
  • (feat) show modal for images with error. efaac99
  • (chore) modal should support custom classnames. c0e88f5
  • (fix) dependabot. 361a4fa
  • (chore) update pending image view status panel. 6b43e98
  • (chore) fetch pending data from store instead of on useEffect. 0267b55
  • (chore) style fixes for pending image view. f8d0762
  • (feat) show linked lock unlock icon on custom image orientation. 030ed40
  • (chore) implement way to handle retrying or editing an image request. ba246b6
  • (fix) issue with click outside detection. 1cc5dc7
  • (fix) issue with click outside detection. 956e3c3
  • (chore) update type definitions to include gen metadata. b4344f2
  • (fix) attempt to handle jobs with errors. 273cfc1
  • (fix) type definition. 1faf5f9
  • (chore) add time diff utility function. c5d4048
  • (chore) better handling of displaying image creation errors. fb31692
  • (feat) style preset selection. 20cf13c
  • (chore) add helpful anchor links. 47c1ef1
  • (chore) stash work related to presets. fa8ebef